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Legend (Ut/UtMaster_WtrSystem)

Pressurized Main (0)
<all other values> <all other values>
Abandoned Abandoned
Distribution Main Distribution Main
Interconnect Interconnect
Transmission Main Transmission Main
Valve (1)
<all other values> <all other values>
Altitude Altitude
BackflowControl BackflowControl
BlowOff BlowOff
Butterfly Butterfly
DoubleCheck DoubleCheck
Gate Gate
Kupferle Kupferle
PressureVacuum PressureVacuum
ReducedPressureBackflow ReducedPressureBackflow
Regulator Regulator
SimpleCheck SimpleCheck
Unknown Unknown
VacuumBreaker VacuumBreaker
Hydrant (2)
Hydrant Hydrant
Dead End Hydrant Dead End Hydrant
Fitting (3)
<all other values> <all other values>
HydrantTee HydrantTee
Bend Bend
Cap Cap
Coupling Coupling
Cross Cross
Reducer Reducer
Riser Riser
Saddle Saddle
Sleeve Sleeve
Tap Tap
Tee Tee
Service Line (4)
<all other values> <all other values>
CommercialAndIndustrial CommercialAndIndustrial
Domestic Domestic
Fire Fire
FireAndDomestic FireAndDomestic
HydrantLead HydrantLead
Water Shut Off (5)
<all other values> <all other values>
Curb Box Curb Box
Inactv CbBx Inactv CbBx
Inactv Vlt Inactv Vlt
Meter Vault Meter Vault
Unknown Unknown
Sampling Location (6)
<all other values> <all other values>
Standard Standard
Bacteria Bacteria
Lead and Copper Lead and Copper
Pump (7)
<all other values> <all other values>
SplitCase SplitCase
VerticalTurbine VerticalTurbine
Interconnect Meter (8)
Water Structure (9)
<all other values> <all other values>
Regulation Pit Regulation Pit
Altitude Valve Pit Altitude Valve Pit
Ground Reservoir Ground Reservoir
Below Ground Reservoir Below Ground Reservoir
Booster Station Booster Station
Elevated Storage Tank Elevated Storage Tank
In Take In Take
Stand Pipe Stand Pipe
TreatmentPlant TreatmentPlant